ACEBaltic celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2025

The commemorative event will be held at Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania), on February 11 th. It aims to be an inspiring milestone for women and girls to progress in their scientific vocation with determination, as well as an awareness of the importance of authorities, institutions, academia and society working together to achieve one of the significant challenges of our days: making the scientific community a more prosperous, inclusive and equal space.

The celebration will start in the morning with an institutional and academic event where relevant scientists, authorities and institutional representatives from Spain and the Baltics will participate as speakers. This will be followed by the presentation of the international exhibition AstrónomAs, which portrays the career of outstanding women in astronomy. In the afternoon, a career discovery workshop will be held in the for high school students, under previous registration. Female researchers and university students will lead the session to foster closer communication and provide young students with credible role models close to their age.

This event is part of ACEBaltic’s action plan for 2025. The collaboration of the Ramón Areces Foundation, the Embassy of Spain in Lithuania, the Foreign Educational Action of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Spain, and Mykolas Romeris University has been invaluable in organising it.